Nollywood actor Adeshina Adesanya, popularly known as pastor Ajidare who came into limelight after featuring in Ebun Olayede's (Olaiya) movie titled "Abele Pupa" is currently on a sick bed suffering from Kidney infection at Mercy Hospital, Panseke. Abeokuta, Ogun State. The rate of the disease is becoming epidemic in the society and needs to be tackled. See Mr Latin and Yomi Fash posts, please kindly help .
Good day everyone. Please I'm so sorry to disturb you with this request for I know its truly non of your business, but if you find it good in your heart KINDLY LEND A HELPING HAND. I don't do this OFTEN, but at times critical issues needs quick attention. Just like the man in the picture - a nigerian film actor - Mr Adeshina Adesanya popularly known as PASTOR AJIDARA from the film ABELA PUPA needs QUICK ATTENTION. You can send any amount to his wife account number, kindly make huge donation if you can. God bless you . Name: Adesanya Atinuke. T. Bank Acct: 1761765273. SKYE BANK.
Here are likely preventions to the disease: WHAT ARE KIDNEY INFECTION : The main job of your kidneys is to clean the waste and extra water from your blood . They’re part of your urinary tract, which makes pee (urine) and removes it from your body. Like the exhaust system on your car, you want everything in good working order so waste moves in one direction only: out. The urinary tract is made up of your: Kidneys (to clean waste from your blood and make pee) Ureters (thin tubes, one for each kidney, that carry pee to your bladder) Bladder : (stores pee) Urethra: (carries pee from the bladder to outside your body) If any of these parts get bacteria in them, you can get a urinary tract infection (UTI ). Most often, it’s the bladder that gets infected. It can be painful, but not usually too serious. But if those bacteria travel up the ureters, you can have a much more serious problem: a kidney infection. Doctors sometimes call this “pyelonephritis.” You need to have a kidney infection treated right away. If you don’t, it can lead to life-threatening problems.
WHAT CAUSES A KIDNEY INFECTION ? Usually, it starts with a bladder infection that spreads to the kidney. Usually, bacteria called E. coli cause the infection to begin with. Other bacteria can also cause kidney infections. It’s rare, but you can also have an infection that gets in through your skin, makes its way into your blood, then travels to your kidney. You can get an infection after kidney surgery, too, but that’s very uncommon.
PREVENTION : You can’t completely prevent all bladder infections. But you may be less likely to get one if you: Avoid deodorant sprays or douches on your genitals Don’t use condoms or diaphragms with spermicide . It can trigger bacteria growth. But do use lubricated condoms , since without lube it can irritate the urethra, which makes infection more likely. Drink lots of water. Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge. Pee after having sex . Wipe front to back after going to the bathroom.


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