Nollywood actress Arike Balogun who recently traveled to United States some months ago premiered her highly anticipated movie titled "RUMPUS IN MY INNARDS" The movie premiere was well attended by top Nollywood artists and socialites in U.S.A such as Bayo Bankole (Boy Alinko), Mistura Asunramu, Mr &Mrs Kogberegbe, Ranti Alore, Wale Fuji, Shina Ayo Oyinlola and many others , the ATL VIP party was packaged by Hollywood/ Nollywood Actress Ranti Alore. The red carpet was managed by Nollywood actress Mistura Asunramu. The movie written and produce by Arike Balogun is a story about two sisters... "Love seems to elude two sisters : products of the same genital. Unfortunately one bears the brunt of the hatred while the other derives joy... It becomes A RUMPUS IN HER INNARDS... The spleen she's ready to vent is the story you are about watch."
The premiere was staged at three states in United State, the movie was premiered in Dallas followed by Houston and finally the Atalanta Georgia VIP PREVIEW. Packaged by the event management expert her self the CEO of 'Imoran Media ' Rising Hollywood Actress Ranti Alore. Houston and Dallas was studded by popular USA entertainers like CEO of Afro Heritage Entertainment, Omo Oba Sola Olaniyan, Mistura Asuramu Alao CEO ' 11TH MEDIA CONCEPT' Lola Margret, Tokunbo Jacobs, the family of Balogun, Olotu Oba, Tmoney Mr and Mrs Adeoye of Atlanta Georgia. WATCH OUT FOR THE MOVIE
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